Writers Inkorporated

Conservatives Creation of the Donald Trump Culture

For a while now, I’ve often caught myself wondering if anyone else is over this Presidential Campaign as much as I am? I mean, for months we’ve sat and watched the debates, been force fed the commercials, been underwhelmed by the Democratic race (underwhelmed meaning my disappointment in the lack of support for Bernie Sanders thus far), and watched the Republican party essentially implode as Donald Trump support continues to rise in numbers. It, in some ways, feels like one giant game and we’re actually the ones being played. **Shoutout to Nolan L. Fontaine from a viral Facebook post for that very accurate description** However, I wonder even more though, if the Republican party at any point will acknowledge that this Trump Circus we’re all seeing is actually there of their doing.

For the last 8 years, we’ve watched conservatives try to rip apart President Obama every step of his presidency. They have done everything they possibly can to make his job harder than any other President in history (IMO). They haven’t worked WITH him to accomplish anything; it has always been against him. Majority of the media outlets rarely ever gave him the respect all other Presidents, even the worst of them *cough* Bush *cough*, have gotten in news articles, magazine articles, and on tv; often times only referring to him as Obama, instead of President Obama.  The media has been more critical of his presidency in the last 8 years than any president I’ve ever seen (again IMO) and honestly, have you ever read some of the comments under news articles about President Obama? Yea well, if not, let me say they get pretty disrespectful. You can speculate as to why and I’m sure that you can come up with many reasons but only one comes to mind for me; I’ll give you one guess. While I have not always agreed with everything President Obama has done, I have to give him the respect he deserves for doing one hell of a job at digging us out of the hole former President Bush put us in.
Anyway, for the last 8 years, Republicans have been the fuel that has kept this fire burning. So now, why are they so surprised that Donald Trump is leading their party in this Presidential race? For 8 whole years, the entire Republican party has been unconsciously (or consciously) telling Americans what they want. Then here comes Donald Trump, who is a complete mixture of what each Republican represents, and now they’re all trying to distance themselves from the monster that they’ve created. I’m not quite sure why so many people are surprised that Trump is ahead in the numbers, he is the biggest example of what this country is made up of. If you think I’m wrong, please tell me how.

While I think I’ve made it fairly clear that I am not a Republican, nor will I ever vote Republican, I also want to make it very clear that I am NOT a supporter of Hillary Clinton. I don’t trust Hillary to run this country any more than I trust Donald Trump to do anything. You may not remember, but Donald Trump actually contributed to the Clinton Campaign long before they were against eachother.  Trump made it publicly known that he donated a quite a bit of money to the Clintons over the years. Don’t believe me? Look it up yourself. I promise I haven’t lied to you. And just for your viewing pleasure….

I strongly believe that Clinton and Trump are two of a kind but the only difference is, Trump has always been consistently an asshole. Hillary, however, has been anything but consistent. She’s changed her stance on many things time and time again. In my opinion, she is also explosively sensitive and a liar. I recommend that Hillary supporters really look at her track record and take a look at where a lot of her campaign contributions come from and you might be surprised but then again, if you’re up on politics, you might not be. Either way, just do me the favor and look it up before you make a firm decision on who you will vote for.

Regardless of what you believe, the truth is this presidential race is, in no way, a “no brainer.” I’ve seen many people say that if Donald Trump is the Republican choice, you just vote for whoever the Democrat is but it’s not that simple.  Choosing Hillary just because you don’t want Trump could be just as catastrophic as choosing Trump. It takes the right candidate to lead this country in either situation. You can’t just choose “the lesser of two evils.” Do your research, look at history, look at facts, and look at each candidates platform. What aligns most with YOUR needs? What aligns most with the needs of THIS COUNTRY? Who do YOU believe will be consistent in living up to what they sold you on? Young voters need to show up in record numbers, “minority” voters, (I actually hate that word so my apologies for not using a better term), should turn out in record numbers, and make another statement just like we did with President Obama. Let’s not set us back after President Obama finally put us on the right track to be a strong country again.

I’m feeling the Bern. You should too.


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